Thursday 12 January 2012

H4S Science Resolution Revolution Competition

During 2012 do YOU resolve to discuss science?

Enter the Humanists4Science Science Resolution Revolution Competition!

New Year Resolutions are often all about ME! ... I'm going to go on a diet, get fitter - join a gym etc etc. During 2012 join the revolution and make a Science resolution.

Resolve to discuss anything scientific with somebody. That can mean discussing scientism or scientific method with a friend. Or maybe you could discuss scientific evidence or scientific thinking?

Enter the Humanists4Science (H4S) Science Resolution Revolution Competition.

Revolution Resolution by British Humanist Association (BHA) is inclusive and open to all, regardless of religion or belief. H4S are affiliated to BHA.

H4S Science Resolution Revolution Competition - Rules 
  1. Everyone is eligible to enter the H4S Science Resolution Revolution Competition
  2. Your resolution MUST include the words 'science', 'scientism' or 'scientific'.
  3. There is no limit on the number of resolutions per entrant to the competition
  4. Add your resolution onto the Revolution Resolution website by 29th February 2012.
  5. Email a copy of your H4S Science Resolution Revolution Competition entry to Chair, Humanists4Science. Include your name, address & phone number by 29th February 2012.
  6. Winners will be announced March 2012.
  • I resolve by May 2012 to give a talk to my local primary school about 'My Passion for Science'.
  • By June 2012 I resolve to discuss what I mean by 'scientific method' with 'J'.
  • During March 2012 I resolve to discuss the science of stem cell research with 'A'.
  • In 2012 I resolve to discuss with my creationist friend 'C' the scientific evidence for evolution by natural selection.
  • I resolve to discuss during by May 2012 with 'D', the difference between 'science' & 'scientism', 'scientific'  & 'scientistic'.
Competition Judges
  • Chris Street, Chair of Humanists4Science and David McKnight, H4S Co-Founder. 
  • Judges cannot enter the competition.
Humanism: Science, Scientific Evidence & Scientific Method
In line with February 2011 suggestions from Humanists4Science, for the first time the November 2011 British Humanist Association Strategy includes 'science' and 'scientific evidence' in the BHA Aims:-
  • Humanism involves a naturalistic view of the universe.... humanists strive to be rational, looking to science in attempting to understand the universe.
  • We support significant initiatives to meet global challenges, showing how these initiatives rest on our principles of accepting scientific evidence...   
For the first time BHA includes 'scientific method' in its definition of Humanism:-
  • Humanists have trusted to the scientific method, evidence and reason to discover truths about the universe ...
Humanists4Science Vision

'A world in which important decisions are made by applying the scientific method to evidence rather than according to superstition.'

British Humanist Association Vision

'A world where everyone lives cooperatively on the basis of shared human values and respect for human rights.'

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